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2023 has been a year of transformation and big changes for this 97-year-old publication, and we invite you into a new way of being with us in 2024.
To save this beloved magazine, we began printing double issues with the September/October 2023 edition. It’s the same amount of content, for the same price, while helping us ensure the magazine sees its 100th birthday in 2027. Digital subscribers have access to monthly content for about $1.25 a month.
By making these changes, we become better stewards of the planet and save paper, ink and envelopes. We decrease our carbon footprint by shipping only six times a year. And while change can be uncomfortable, we invite you to embrace the benefits and see a sustainable, thriving future for the magazine Ernest Holmes founded.
- If you feel called to make a financial donation, please click here.
- Read an overview of the changes beginning with the September/October 2023 edition.
Over the past three years, the cost of printing and postage has taken its toll. We are seeing a loss every month despite a reduction in staff and cutting most other expenses. In this economic climate, it’s a challenge facing even the largest and best-known magazines. We are grateful for and blessed by your continued support and readership.