Gabby the Macaw Stole Their Hearts »

Ryan Van Stelten and Gabby share a very special bond. Gabby lets him cradle her and gives him kisses.
Our sweet friend Gabby made her transition in spring 2018. We honor her survivor spirit here with a story from the June 2017 issue.
With three dogs, a rescue bunny, a full fish tank and four other birds, the Van Stelten family didn’t know they needed another pet.
Gabby the Macaw has an inspiring story of survival in the June issue of Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine.
The Van Steltens may have rescued Gabby from a life of trauma, but she has just as many gifts to share — genuine nurturing, compassion and a unique love that has brought their family even closer.
Check out Gabby’s dance moves in the video below. You’ll have a new appreciation for her love of life after reading what she’s endured for this second chance.