Big Love to You and Your Furry, Feathered and Scaly BFFs »
Inspiring, silly, fun and doggone life-changing. We honor our readers and the beings who make their lives complete. We’ve created this online gallery to share your favorite photos.
You can send your pet photos to, and please check back often for updates to this page.
Current photo count: 283
The photos are displayed in random order to give every pet some time at the top of the page.
Please roll over the photo to see the pet’s name and click on a selection for a larger view. Thank you for sharing your love.

Fred from Sylvia Schroeder

Scarlett from Mark B. Chitjian & Ed Torres

Beau from Ginny Clark

Jackson from Deana Sherry

Ali from the Russells

Romy and Daisy from Angelica Taggart

Mayzie an Jemma from Rev. Barb and Rev. Jenny

Koda from Sharon Molloy

Edgar Theodore Paddlefoot and Whisper

Griffin from Laura Maynor

Lucy from Laura Maynor

Riley from Donna Beran

Charlie Marley from Jeff Schiza

Benz from Linda Summers

Chelsea from Dale Terry

Murphy from Lynda Angelis

Bug Blasko

Ananda from Reville Hamilton

Mystic, a Papinese, and Shanti, a Yorkie (from Temple Hayes)

Jyoti from Tricia Burson-Johnson

From Cindy Paterno

Boo McFadden from Rev. Joanne McFadden

Angie from Merrilee Adler

Gryphon from Alan Hubbard and Mike Duran

Harley from Pat and Laura Pederson

Parkour from Alan Hubbard and Mike Duran

Cutie Pie and Buddy from Lauralyn Rogers

Sweet Luna from Patricia Cooper

Sophie from Marlene Collins

Bean Blasko

Red Golden Pheasant from Julie Rabalais

Xander from Doug LeBow

Hachi from Tony Lobato

Which one is the real cat? From Tracy DeCarlo

Coco and Pepe from John Livesay

From Kari Stevens

Katie from Dale Terry

Mayweather from Harriett Johnson

Sophie from Lynn Gahman

Baby Goats from Sharon Oamek

Bennett from Barbara Fang Babcock

Shiva from Rev. Kathy Mastroianni

Milton from Mark Eagle

Ari from Laura Alton

Gracie from Marlene Collins

Cookie (aka The Wazz) from Holli Sharp, Associate Editor/Creative Director

Wolfgang the Pugpomo from Victoria Temiz

Hogan from Linda Tobias

Photographer and editor Mike Stensvold has served with Dale in animal ministry and captured these owls in their element. Photo copyright Mike Stensvold

Roo from Gweneth Welch

Ozzie and Sadie from Sharon Belk-Krebs

Daisy Mae from Kimberly Brown

Charlotte from Barbara Paul

Rumi from Julie and Tony Lobato

From Terry Barnes

Trixi is a drug detection dog helping teens in trouble (from Lisa Yahoo)

Ike from Rev. Ann Thacker

Daisy Mae from Suzanne Wilson

Cat and Mouse from Debby Powell

These Muscovy ducks enjoy a meal together at the local pond. Photo copyright Mike Stensvold

Archie and Zoe from Rodney Sumpter

Yogi from Chaplain Reina Pudder, RScP

Gryphon and Parkour from Alan Hubbard and Mike Duran

Stryker from Lisa Cypert

Nico and Piper from Gabey Gilblin

Chloe from Judy Morley

Computer Buddy from Tracy DeCarlo

From Terry Barnes

The men in my life: Gable and my brother from Merrilee Adler

Sinbad from Mary Oursler

Fred from Debbie Krovitz

Koko from Sherri Ginand

Jemma from Jenny Illig

Pluto from Tony White

Beauregard from Rev. Duchess Dale

Lucy from editorial team member Julie Mierau

Musician Karen Karsh and her service dog Faulkner

Jenny from Anita Larson

Edda from Julie O'Malley

Dublin from Aimee and Derek Ross

Dilly from Chaplain Reina Pudder, RScP

Fred from Sylvia Schroeder

Riley from Christine Betts

Magno from Suzi VanStelten

Hennessy Simone Ellis from Jennifer and Jim Ellis

MR and EllaBelle from Sam Trenka

Elmo from Rev. Ann Thacker

Sunny Side Up from Debby Powell

Danielle the Buddha Cat from Sherri Ginand

Chino from Joan Coletto

Lucy from Laura Maynor

Shelby & Sophie from contributor Donna Mosher

Rose and Bobbob from Terri Masterson

Mystic from Temple Hayes, June 2017 cover

Shanti from Patty Rumpza

Smiley and her cat, Foxy, from Roberta Steggall

Osa sent for Debbie Hebblewhite

Spirit from Milfors

Jonah from Sharron Marks

Rumi from Rev. Julie and Tony Lobato

Pooki and Krishna from Barbara Fields

Jetta Rose from Laura Alton

Becky from Darlene Dunning

Domo from Lee Carlson

Onyx from Doug LeBow

Snickers and Izzy from LuLu Jacobsen

Kate in sun goggles from Christine Lockmon

King from Lily Sharp

From Cindy Paterno

Pooki from Barbara Fields

Daisy Cattledog from Holli Sharp

Max from Jill Roberts

Frannie from Tara Areola

Jasper from Debby Powell

Musician Park Peters is right at home in the studio with his cats.

Commodore from Kari Johnson

Mystic from Temple Hayes

Little No Name from editorial team member Sandy Chapman

Cleo from Chaplain Reina Pudder, RScP

Charlie from Sharie

Petunia's smile from Christine Lockmon

Jasper from Debby Powell

Bailey from Marlene Collins

Two Pugs from Trudy Seifke

Misha from Christine Duncan

Mayweather from Harriett Johnson

Harry from Julie Mierau

Please write us if these are your beautiful cats!

Cookie from Holli Sharp

Honey Bun from Jackie Meyer

Petunia (it's hot!) from Christine Lockmon

Buddy and Scarlett from Mark B. Chitjian & Ed Torres

Lenny and Squiggy from Tammi Kushner

MacDoodle from author Dennis Merritt Jones

Duchess the Great Pyrenees and Baby Goat from Sharon Oamek

Gabby from Suzi Van Stelten

Starsky and Hutch from Kim

Lola from Karen Embree

Buddy from Diane Hennessy

Piper from Dale Terry

The Girls (Petunia and Kate) from Christine Lockmon

Della from Linda Summers

Foxy Lady from Lucy Hogg

Bodhi from Kevin Montgomery

Lexi and Lulu from Monica Graves

Shanti from Rev. Patty Rumpza

Rocket from Faith Gustafson

Zoey from Jon Lentz

Rose, Bobbob and Shakti from Terri Masterson

Otzi and Ally from Rick and Teryn Morell

Bella from the Hansen family

Ellsworth and Paisley from Cheryl Clifford

Kitties from Nathan Marschall

Greta and Liam from Pete Finch

Roo from Gweneth Welch

Liberty from Tanja Smith

Zsazi from Tess Creger

Elmo from Ann Thacker

From Elizabeth Allen

Greta from Pete Finch

From Terry Barnes

Hogan from Linda Tobias

Sir Winston Churchill from Cyn Giffen

Oliver from Karen and Rick Robert

Dilly, Cleo and Yogi from Reina Pudder

Doris from Merrilee Adler

Dublin from Aimee and Derek Ross

Ms. Babs from Gregory Coyle

Zeus from Deborah and Peter Perdue

Cookie in the Cucumbers (from Lily and Holli Sharp)

Toby from Kevin Montgomery

Bella from Misha Brigham

Paxton from Andy Glazar

Coco from Lyn Avery

Molly from Barbara Fields

Speedy from Sandy Chapman

Scruffy from Debbie Krovitz

Gracie and Bailey from Marlene Collins

Gabby plays guitar from Ryan Van Stelten

From Golden Sean

Abby doing yoga from Chelsea McClung

Roxy and Xuber from Gretchen Marie Barry

Jazzy and Roxy from Rose Loper

Lulu from Toby Sears

Katie from Vonnie DeCecco

Max from Steve Burton and Judy Morley

Faolin the Fearless from Teresa Jenkins

Riley from Terry Moerler

Pepper and Teddy from Kathy Nelson

Luke from Cynthia Powers

Mimi from Rose Tingle, Animal Kinship Ministry

Petra loves listening to Ross read Science of Mind magazine (from Willa and Ross Mavis)

Pinkerton and Foxy Angelica Junior copyright 2019 Winston Welch

Leeloo and Samson from Genevieve Rothchild

Zeus from Mary Murray Shelton

Neil my study buddy from Deana Sherry

Elmo from Judith Meyers, RScP

Silver Lining from Angeline Pike

Bosko from Laurence Kuhn

Kojak (and Phil Clayton)

Brandi from Barb Tharp

Jackson from Dennise Simone

Heidi from Steve Burton and Judy Morley

Bella from Paula Belleggie

My Boy from Susan Dexter

Thanksgiving with Rosie and Buddy from Mark B. Chitjian & Ed Torres

Noir from James Stallcup

Chai from Rev. Duchess Dale

Nevaeh from Rico Boy 30

Brandi from Barb Tharp

From Cindy Paterno

Bodhi T from Becky Moore and Shawn Kindorf

Bernie Paige from Elaine and Perry Eidum

Cadeau from Temple Hayes

Hiccup from Jill Roberts

Star the Good Citizen from Jeanette Farwell

Gatos from Blanca Mejia

Izzy, aka Doodle, from Mark O'Leary

Finnegan the Schnoodle from Christy Kennedy

Emma Curtis Hopkins from Carol Winicur

Love our girls! From Kimberly Brown

Ike from Ann Thacker

Big Louie from Michael Welsh

First car ride from Barbara

Rumi from Julie and Tony Lobato

George and Stryker from Lisa Cypert

Jasper from advice columnist Stef Swink

Blondie and her daddy from Lois Kropp

Candi and Charlie from Sharie Davis

Mayweather as a puppy (from Harriett Johnson)

Frank and Quivertail from Jennifer Runner

Shadow the big cat from Kathleen Medley

Baby Louie from Michael Welsh

Charlie with Schatzi McManus

Grand-dog Lexi from Marilyn Lewis

Fionne from Julie Shattuck

My Maggie from Gail Shultz

Spectacles from Cindy Paterno

From Cindy Paterno

Reading from Barbara

Maggie and Bruno from Carroll Brown

Danielle the Buddha Cat from Sherri Ginand

Jemma and Maysie from Jenny Illig

Tara with Rev. Kathy Mastroianni